The fact of staying in the Camping implies the acceptance of the present rules and the commitment to comply with them and to apply the sanitary rules COVID-19 in force under penalty of exclusion (barrier gestures, social distancing, hydro gel....).
1. - opening - closing of the camping 2022
The establishment will be totally closed from October 15, 2021 to April 1, 2022. There will be no exceptions to this rule and no one will be allowed to enter the premises. All the season: opening of the automatic barrier from 8 am to 11 pm. An access code will be given to you on your arrival. This code is strictly confidential and can in no case be transmitted to third parties outside the camping.
Opening hours : 8am - 12pm / 3pm - 7pm At the reception office you will find all the information about the services of the camping, the possibilities of refreshment, the sports facilities, the tourist attractions of the surroundings and various addresses that may be useful. A person from the camping is available every day by phone during the season.
In order to be admitted to a camping site, you must be authorized by the person in charge of the reception desk or by the operator after having registered. Minors must be accompanied by their parents or legal guardian. The fact of staying on the camping site implies the acceptance of the provisions of these rules and the commitment to comply with them. Any infraction may result in the expulsion of the person responsible and the use of the police if necessary.
Any person having to stay at least one night in the camping, must beforehand, present to the person in charge of the reception office his identity papers and fill in the formalities required by the police (In application of the provisions of the Decree n° 75-410 of May 20, 1975, only the foreign campers are now subjected to these formalities of police).
The tent, caravan, camper or any other equipment must be installed on the site indicated by the operator. The users must respect the general aesthetics of the camping site, in particular, the plot must not be encumbered by any other installation, or movable goods other than the caravan, or the camper serving, in accordance with the regulations on the open air hotel industry.
6. - FEES
The fees are paid at the reception desk on arrival. Their amount is fixed according to the posted tariff, to these fees, the visitor's tax and the household waste tax are added. They are due according to the number of nights spent on the site. The balance of the total amount of the fees is to be paid 30 days before arrival, after deduction of your deposit. Campers are asked to notify the reception office of their departure the day before. Campers intending to leave before the opening time of the reception office must have paid the balance of their fees. Departures can only be made during the opening hours of the gate.
The users of the camping are urged to avoid any noise and discussions that could disturb their neighbors. Sound equipment must be adjusted accordingly. Doors and trunks must be closed as quietly as possible. There must be complete silence between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Visitors may be admitted to the campsite under the responsibility of the campers who receive them, who must declare their number and identity to the reception desk. They are required to pay a fee per visitor. Access to the swimming pool is not allowed.
Inside the camping, vehicles must drive at a speed limited to 10 km/hour and respect the interior signs. Traffic is forbidden between 11 pm and 8 am. Only one vehicle is allowed per pitch unless agreed by the management and payment of the additional fee. Parking on the outside parking lot: users are invited to take the usual precautions for the protection of their vehicle and equipment, the camping declines all responsibility in case of damage, breakage or theft. Only vehicles belonging to campers staying at the campsite are allowed to circulate in the campsite. Parking must not hinder traffic or prevent the installation of new arrivals. During the high season, vehicles must be parked on their users' plots or in the parking lot at the entrance. Visitors must park their vehicles outside the campsite and report their arrival to the reception desk.
Everyone is required to refrain from any action that could damage the cleanliness, hygiene and appearance of the camping. Children must always be under the supervision of their parents. It is forbidden to throw polluted water on the ground or in the gutters. Caravanners must empty their waste water into the facilities provided for this purpose. Household garbage, waste of any kind, papers must be deposited in the collective garbage cans at the entrance of the site. It is forbidden to wash cars inside the camping. It is forbidden to take water from the fire hydrants and hoses, the latter being reserved for this purpose only, to the exclusion of all others. Washing clothes is strictly forbidden outside the bins provided for this purpose and hanging clothes should never be done from the trees. Plantations and floral decorations must be respected. It is forbidden for the camper to put nails in the trees, to cut branches, to make plantations. All constructions and improvements are forbidden, except with the express agreement of the operator. It is not allowed to mark out the location of an installation by personal means, nor to dig the ground. Any damage to the vegetation, fences, ground or facilities of the camping will be charged to the perpetrator. It is strictly forbidden for users to connect directly to the water pumps. Any occupant wishing to connect to running water must be equipped with a shut-off valve. Electrical power supplied: 6/10 amps. The sanitary facilities may be closed during the off-season and intermediate seasons, and as long as unfavorable weather conditions persist.
11. - SAFETY
A - Fire : Open fires, and in particular barbecues, (wood, coal, etc...) are strictly forbidden outside the dedicated areas. Stoves must be kept in good working order. Fire extinguishers are available to all; in case of fire, notify the management immediately. A first aid kit is available at the reception desk, as well as the phone numbers of various services.
B - Cigarettes: Smokers are asked to be very vigilant when smoking outside their residence. It is strictly forbidden to drop cigarette butts on the ground, the use of an ashtray is mandatory.
C - Theft Report immediately to the person in charge the presence in the camping of any suspicious person. The users are invited to take the usual precautions for the safeguard of their material stored on the camping. The Management is not the depositary and guardian of objects and materials.
12. - GAMES
No violent or disturbing games may be organized near the facilities. Playgrounds are available to children under the exclusive responsibility of their parents. It is imperative to respect the age range of each game. Access to the various collective facilities, playgrounds, swimming pool,... is under the full responsibility of the users. Unaccompanied visitors and unaccompanied minors are not allowed in the facilities.
Dogs and animals must not be left free, or even locked up on the campsite, in the absence of their owners who are civilly responsible for them. Their behavior must not be detrimental to the tranquility, safety and cleanliness of the camping. Their droppings must be picked up by their owners. Animals are not allowed in the showers. They are forbidden for visitors. The client will have to provide a certificate of insurance and vaccination in accordance with the internal regulations and the service notes. Dogs of the 1st category "attack dogs" (pit bulls...) and of the 2nd category "guard and defense dogs" (rottweiler and types...) are forbidden. For any animal, a supplement will be applied in the bare pitches but also in the rentals (rate displayed in force).
Depending on the weather conditions, the swimming pool area may be open from April 1st to September 15th from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Depending on the weather conditions, the management may decide to extend or reduce the opening periods. A - Access - Access to the swimming pool is free and strictly reserved to the clients of the camping who will have to conform to the rules of hygiene and safety and to the internal rules of the swimming pool which is posted at the entrance of the foot bath. Minors must be accompanied by their parents who are exclusively responsible for their supervision. Animals are strictly forbidden in the pool area. The management and its employees decline all responsibility in case of accident in the pool area. For reasons of hygiene, swimming shorts and Bermuda shorts are not allowed and it is forbidden to drink, eat or smoke and to bring shoes into the pool area. Showering is obligatory. B - Responsibility - The respect of the internal rules of the pool is compulsory and is imposed to all the customers from their admission. The pool is not supervised and its use is at the risk of the bathers. At certain times, an employee of the management may be responsible for ensuring the application of the pool rules. In the event of non-compliance with these rules and regulations and depending on the seriousness of the problem, the management may decide to exclude the offender temporarily or permanently.
It will be possible to leave unoccupied equipment on the ground only after the agreement of the Management and only in the designated place. A fee, the amount of which will be posted at the office, will be due for the "dead garage".
The camp manager is responsible for the order and good behavior of the camp. He has the duty to sanction serious breaches of the rules and if necessary, to expel their authors. Disrespectful or aggressive behavior towards the manager or the clients will lead to expulsion without notice.
Caravans and mobile homes must keep their means of mobility at all times, namely - Wheels with pneumatic tires - Means of towing - Regulatory braking device and signalling .../...
18. - FENCES
It is forbidden to add to the fences delimiting the sites other boundaries without written authorization from the Management. It is compulsory to leave one side of the pitch open, on the caravan side, in order to be able to remove the caravan from the pitch in an emergency.
Each caravan can install a removable canvas awning in front or on the side. No development may be carried out on the pitches without having obtained prior written authorization from the manager. The pitches will only be used for leisure activities, excluding all industrial, commercial or craft activities, or in general professional activities. The users will not be able to elect domicile there, to install their principal residence there.
These spaces must be left clean. In the event of non-respect of the premises, and after several warnings, the client may be expelled without further notice. The shaver sockets must be used only for this purpose, no other connection (such as kettle, coffee maker, etc. ....) will be allowed.
The present rules and regulations as well as the evacuation instructions are posted at the entrance to the site and in the sanitary block in the signs provided for this purpose. It is given to the customer on request and available on the internet. They may be modified at any time without notice.
In the case where a resident would disturb the stay of the other users or would not respect the provisions of the present rules of procedure, the manager or his representative will be able orally or in writing if he considers it necessary, to put in residence this last one to stop the disorders. In case of serious or repeated infringement of the rules and regulations and after formal notice by the manager to comply, he may terminate the contract. In the event of a criminal offence, the manager may call in the police.
Any damage will be the subject of a repair bill and will be charged to the client, through his insurance or not. It is expressly reminded that children are under the responsibility of their parents.
Children must be under immediate supervision at all times and must not play or walk alone. In case of accident, the camping is not responsible. For obvious safety reasons, underage children must not be left alone on the campsite or in the accommodations.
In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Code concerning "the mediation process for consumer disputes", the client has the right to have recourse free of charge to the mediation service offered by (name of the company). The "consumer law" mediator thus proposed is MEDICYS. This mediation service can be reached by : - electronically:; - or by post: MEDICYS - Centre de médiation et règlement amiable des huissiers de justice- 73, Boulevard de Clichy, 75009 – Paris.
In the event of difficulties arising in the execution of these rules, the rental contract or following its termination for any reason whatsoever, and if no amicable solution can put an end to the dispute, the courts will have sole jurisdiction.
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